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Data Protection Privacy Policy Statement


Privacy Policy Statement 1
1 Consent to data use 2
2 Protection According to the German BDSG and TMG 2
3 Future Changes to this Privacy Policy Statement 2
4 Collection and Logging of your Data 2
5 Recording any other Personal data 2
6 Use and Disclosure of Personal Data 3
7 No Transfer of Personal Data to Foreign Countries 3
8 Deletion of Personal Data 3
9 Right of Access 3
10 Protection of Your Personal Data from Spying by Third Parties 3
11 Information About Cookies 3

Privacy Policy Statement

We are very pleased that you are interested in our website and our range of products. The protection of your personal data while you are visiting our website is very important to us and a matter of great concern. We take this protection very seriously, particularly in terms of collecting, sharing, processing and using your personal data related to your visit to our website.

If you have any questions regarding your personal data or about this Privacy Policy Statement, please simply get in touch with:
Please insert the Company that gets this Data Protection Privacy Policy Statement

To protect your personal data, we enlist our partner – a professional data security administrator:

Company: WENZA Deutschland AG
Responsible: Mr. Kent Schwirz
Address; Beim Alten Gaswerk 5 22761 Hamburg
Tel 040/360 234 0
Fax 040/360 234 999
Email: datenschutz@wenza.de

We would be pleased to provide information regarding your personal data stored.

1. Consent to data use

The mere use of our website or the act of reading this Privacy Policy Statement does not replace the legally required consent on your part that permits us to collect, transfer, process and use your personal data in the forms mentioned above and for the purposes mentioned above. Moreover, we would like to point out that at all times you have the right to revoke the consent that you have previously granted us regarding data collection or data usage with future effect. Your data will be extensively protected by us within the framework of the legal regulations. In particular the German Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the German Telemedia Act (TMG) contain such regulations on protection.

2. Protection According to the German BDSG and TMG

Your data will be extensively protected by us within the framework of the legal regulations. Particularly the German Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the German Telemedia Act (TMG) contain such regulations on protection.

3. Future Changes to this Privacy Policy Statement

In our experience, the legislation on data protection is subject to regular reform, which requires us to adapt our privacy protection policy if applicable. Similarly, the content of our offer is also subject to continuous changes and further developments. We therefore reserve the right to correspondingly amend the Privacy Policy Statement and, where applicable, to send you notification of amendments to the Privacy Policy Statement. Moreover, you should also visit our website at regular intervals to inform yourself about any possible changes to the Privacy Policy Statement and other terms of use on our website. We would like to assure you that any significant changes to our Privacy Policy Statement that could lead to an increase in the use of your data will only be implemented with your permission.

4. Collection and Logging of your Data

In the following you will find information on what type of personal data is collected during your visit to our website and how this is used by us. Every visit to our website (including sub-pages) is automatically registered and logged. In particular, the IP address of the inquiring computer is recorded and logged. Correspondingly also every click, every download or any other request for data on our website is recorded and logged. The storage associated with this is only used for our internal statistical evaluations. The following data record is stored: file name; point in time of the request (date and time); requested files or volume of data transferred; the browser that was used; notification of whether the request or the transfer process was successful; name of the requesting domain or email. Recording any other personal data is only carried out with consent. Contrary to the personal data mentioned in the previous section, other personal data is only recorded if this information is provided voluntarily, e.g. within the context of an email enquiry, perhaps in a contact form we provided or for registration regarding a newsletter that we may offer. You have the right to withdraw prior consent regarding data collection with future effect at any time. (Only applicable when a newsletter exists)

5. Recording any other Personal data

Contrary to the personal data mentioned in the previous section, other personal data is only recorded if this information is provided voluntarily, e.g. within the context of an email enquiry, perhaps in a contact form we provided or for registration regarding a newsletter that we may offer.
You have the right to withdraw prior consent regarding data collection with future effect at any time.

6. Use and Disclosure of Personal Data

Insofar as you have transmitted or provided us with personal data, we will only use it to answer your enquires, to conclude a contract that you have taken out with us, to process an order you have made with us, as well as for technical administration, further file management and invoicing. With your consent, we will also send you current information at regular intervals in the form of a free newsletter insofar as we offer such a service. Your personal data will only be passed on or transferred in another way to third parties if it is required for concluding a contract or for issuing an invoice or if you have given your consent at an earlier point in time or if, due to legal regulations, we are authorized or obliged to do so. You may withdraw such prior consent with effect for the future at any time.

7. No Transfer of Personal Data to Foreign Countries

In principle, we do not transfer personal data to foreign countries or supranational or international locations. If it is necessary to transfer personal data to foreign countries or supranational or international locations, this shall only take place to the extent legally permissible as defined in section 4b and 4c of the German Data Protection Act (BDSG). (Only applicable when data is transferred to third countries).

8. Deletion of Personal Data

We delete your personal data immediately after you withdraw your consent. Deletion of your data also takes place if the data record is no longer required for the purpose for which it was stored or if its storage is, or has become, inadmissible for any other legal reason.

9. Right of Access

On request, we would be happy to provide you with information pertaining to the storage of your personal data, including origin and recipient, and the reason why it has been stored (see section 34 of the German Data Protection Act (BDSG)).

10. Protection of Your Personal Data from Spying by Third Parties

We would like to assure you that we will protect your stored personal data from unlawful spying by third persons, insofar as this is reasonable and possible with the aid of state-of-the-art technical and organizational means. If we contact you or you contact us by email, we cannot grant complete data security, in spite of various protection mechanisms employed. For this reason, we recommend you send confidential information in written form through the postal service.

11. Information About Cookies

On our website, we only use so-called session-related cookies. Session cookies are managed on the server-side and are not saved on your computer’s hard disk drive. Session cookies facilitate navigation during a visit to our website, however, they lose their validity immediately upon leaving our website. If you then revisit our website, new cookies will be created on the server-side that will once again lose their validity upon leaving. Identification of visitors to our website or personal data of the visitors to the website with the help of a session cookie is therefore not possible. If you do not wish to accept any cookies, also not session cookies, the help-function of most browsers (generally in the form of a question mark) will explain how you can change the settings of your browser so that new cookies will no longer be permitted when using the Internet.
Many browsers can also be set up in such a way that you will be automatically notified by your browser if a new cookie has been stored. Generally, the help function of your browser will also explain how you can erase all cookies from your computer once again. Some browsers can also be set up in such a way that cookies are only created by the inquiring address or permitted on your computer depending on whether they meet your definitions.