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All around the clock.

Terms & Conditions

Trading Conditions

Note: The following text is not a binding translation of the original german text. In case of doubt the german text precede.

We, Global Bulk Logistic GmbH operate exclusively in accordance with the latest version of the “Allgemeinen Deutschen Spediteurbedingungen” – German Freight Forwarders’ Standard Terms and Conditions of Trading – (ADSp), latest version. These limit in paragraph 23 ADSp the legal liability for damage to goods according to § 431 HGB for damages to goods whilst in the care of a forwarder to € 5,-/kg; for multimodal transports including sea transport to 2 SDR / kg and also per damage or event to € 1 Míllion respectively € 2 Million or 2 SDR / kg whichever is higher. For border-crossing transports the CMR rules- and regulations are applicable.Contractors accept without any restrictions the terms and conditions of company Global Bulk Logistic GmbH “AGB.

The terms and conditions can be found online at www.globalbulk.de and will be sent upon request. In case of any disputes, we reserve for the case of our plaintiffs property, to call the “Deutsche Schiedsgericht Logistik e.V.(German arbitral court registered association ) in Höhr-Grenzhausen.In case of disputes in which we should be involved in the position of a future defendant,we commit ourselves, pre-litigation / preliminary proceeding within 3 weeks after demand of the opposing party to convey you bindingly, if we settle the dispute by the competent court of law or by the prementioned arbitral court. Exclusive jurisdiction is Duisburg, unless the German Schiedsgericht Logistik e.V. in Höhr-Grenzhausen is called upon. For the scope of CMR, the Court of Arbitration has to apply the contract embodied in the CMR. Otherwise, the rules of the Schiedsgericht Logistik e.V. shall apply, taking the above stipulation with regard to the place of jurisdiction into account.

Global Bulk Logistic GmbH Warehousing & Processing
Krabbenkamp 14-18 – D-47138 Duisburg – T +49-203-45659-0 – F +49-203-45659-249 – info@globalbulk.de
Bank Account: Sparkasse Duisburg, IBAN-No. DE10350500000200056653; BIC. DUISDE33
Tax No.: 107 / 5740 / 1066 – ISO 9001
Company registered in: Duisburg, Disctrict Court: Duisburg HRB 18537
CEO: Helmut Kellermann
VAT ID NO: DE814678847
AEO NO: DE AEOC 103894